All publications resulting from the NordSOUND project are listed here
- Roswall et al, Long-term exposure to transportation noise and risk of incident stroke: A pooled study of nine Scandinavian cohorts. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2021.
- Thacher et al, Occupational noise exposure and risk of incident stroke: a pooled study of five Scandinavian cohorts. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2022.
- Pyko et al, Long-Term Exposure to Transportation Noise and Ischemic Heart Disease: A Pooled Analysis of Nine Scandinavian Cohorts. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2023.
- Aasvang et al, Burden of disease due to transportation noise in the Nordic Countries. Environmental Research, 2023.
- Thacher et al, Exposure to long-term source-specific transportation noise and incident breast cancer: A pooled study of eight Nordic cohorts. Environment International, 2023.
- Roswall et al, Long-term exposure to traffic noise and risk of incident colon cancer: A pooled study of eleven Nordic cohorts. Environmental Research, 2023.