The NordSOUND project
NordSOUND is a research project with the objective to study single and joint effects of traffic and occupational noise on development of cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer, pregnancy complications, low birth weight, perinatal mortality, and congenital malformations
The study will also estimate the burden of disease resulting from noise and the socio-economic inequalities in the distribution of traffic noise and the relationship between noise and health.
NordSOUND is funded by a NordForsk grant and runs from October 2017 to September 2022 It is headed by Senior Researcher Mette Sørensen, Danish Cancer Institute.
The main aim of NordSOUND is to comprehensively assess the joint effect of environmental and occupational noise in the development of several diseases and conditions of great public health concern.
More specifically, we aim to investigate the following hypotheses:
- Occupational and residential transportation noise increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and cancer
- Occupational and residential transportation noise increase the risk of pregnancy complications, low birth weight, perinatal mortality, and congenital malformations
- Residential transportation noise results in a high burden of disease
- There are socio-economic inequalities in the exposure to transportation noise and in the relationship between noise and health
This is a comprehensive list with links to all papers published as a result of the NordSOUND project:
- Roswall et al, Long-term exposure to transportation noise and risk of incident stroke: A pooled study of nine Scandinavian cohorts. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2021.
- Thacher et al, Occupational noise exposure and risk of incident stroke: a pooled study of five Scandinavian cohorts. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2022.
- Pyko et al, Long-Term Exposure to Transportation Noise and Ischemic Heart Disease: A Pooled Analysis of Nine Scandinavian Cohorts. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2023.
- Aasvang et al, Burden of disease due to transportation noise in the Nordic Countries. Environmental Research, 2023.
- Thacher et al, Exposure to long-term source-specific transportation noise and incident breast cancer: A pooled study of eight Nordic cohorts. Environment International, 2023.
- Roswall et al, Long-term exposure to traffic noise and risk of incident colon cancer: A pooled study of eleven Nordic cohorts. Environmental Research, 2023.
The NordSOUND project is funded by a 4-year grant from NordForsk under the Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare through their June 2016 call for projects on Nordic Registry-based Research.
Project Partners
The project is a collaboration between partners from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland headed by Senior Researcher Mette Sørensen, Danish Cancer Institute.
See all participants below
Denmark | |
Danish Cancer Institute (coordinating center) | |
Project Leader Mette Sørensen |
Project Manager Nina Roswall |
Sweden | |
Lund University, Department of Occupational Medicine | |
Primary contact person Maria Albin |
Karolinska Institutet, Institute of Environmental Medicine | |
Steering Committee member, WP2 workpackage leader Göran Pershagen |
WP1 workpackage leader Jenny Selander |
University of Gothenburg, Occupational and Environmental Medicine |
Steering Committee member Kerstin Persson Waye |
Steering Committee member Lars Barregård |
Norway | |
Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Department of Air Pollution and Noise |
Steering Committee member, WP4 workpackage leader Gunn Marit Aasvang |
Finland | |
National Institute of Health and Welfare, Department of Health Protection |
Steering Committee member, WP1 workpackage leader Timo Lanki |