The Lipidomics Core Facility
- Your Lipidomics Service Partner
The Lipidomics Core Facility is located in Denmark, Copenhagen. It is a part of the Danish Cancer Institute.
The Lipidomics Core Facility is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation, including Quadrupole-Orbitrap and a quadrupole-orbitrap-linear ion trap mass spectrometer, for shotgun lipidomics and LC-MS lipidomics. Our lipidomics platform enables us to identify and quantify >400 lipid species from 44 lipid classes in various biological materials and to bring understanding in their functions and roles.
Our facility provides lipidomics services to external customers both in academia and in private companies.
Our services include:
- Lipid extraction from biological material (fluids, tissue, cells, organelles, purified proteins etc.) together with an added mixture of internal standards (ISM)
- Mass spectrometric analysis (quantitative shotgun lipidomics and targeted LC-MS lipidomics)
- Data processing and analyses