Work, Environment and Cancer
We focus on identification of risk factors for cancer in the work- and external environment.
Our research
The Work, Environment, and Cancer (WEC) group, is at the forefront of research exploring the intricate relationships between environmental and occupational exposures and cancer risk. Our mission is to identify, quantify, and mitigate risk factors such as air pollution, noise, and occupational hazards that contribute to cancer development. By leveraging unique cohorts and advanced epidemiological methods, we aim to provide robust evidence that informs public health policies and cancer prevention strategies.
Our research is characterized by a multidisciplinary approach, integrating insights from biology, public health, and epidemiology. We collaborate with national and international partners to enhance the scope and impact of our findings, ensuring that our research addresses both local and global health challenges. Our results contribute to authorities’ and IARC’s classification of carcinogens and documentation for the Danish National Board on Industrial Injuries.
Key Research Areas
- Environmental Exposures: Our research delves into the health impacts of air pollution, noise, and other environmental factors. We aim to elucidate the biological mechanisms underlying these associations and identify vulnerable populations.
- Occupational Risks: We investigate the role of workplace exposures in cancer development, with a focus on industries with high exposure levels. Our findings contribute to the development of safer work environments and regulatory standards.
- Translational Research: We are committed to translating our research findings into actionable public health policies. By engaging with policymakers and stakeholders, we strive to implement effective cancer prevention measures and reduce health disparities.
Major Cancer related research achievements in recent years
- Air Pollution and Cancer Risk: We have demonstrated that the carcinogenic effects of particulate air pollution seem to extend beyond lung cancer and that the effects occur even at air pollution levels below the current EU and possibly WHO guideline values.
- Advancements in Understanding Environmental Noise: We were the first to identify transportation noise as a potential risk factor for cancer incidence and mortality and we have linked transportation noise with cancer risk factors such as obesity, diabetes and infertility, as well as cancer comorbidities, such as cardiovascular disease and dementia.
- IARC Monographies: WEC studies have constituted central parts of the evidence base for several IARC (International Association for Research on Cancer) monographs. Most recently for firefighting where our results contributed substantially to the classification of firefighting as a human carcinogen.
- Occupation and Cancer Risk: WEC has pioneered research on cancer risk and nightshift work, and filled gaps on the protective effect on certain cancers in outdoor workers , strengthening the vitamin D hypothesis.
- Pre-conception and in Utero Exposure and Risk of Cancer: In worldwide collaborative studies we have found parental occupational exposures to be associateed with range of cancers in offspring.
Future Directions
Looking ahead, the WEC group plans to expand its research portfolio to include emerging environmental risk factors such as pollutants in tap water, airborne pesticides, and light pollution. We are also dedicated to addressing social inequalities in health outcomes, ensuring that our research benefits all segments of society. Our future endeavors will involve closer collaboration with policymakers and the public to disseminate our findings and advocate for evidence-based health interventions.
Hvidtfeldt UA, Severi G, Andersen ZJ, Atkinson R, Bauwelinck M, Bellander T, Boutron-Ruault MC, Brandt J, Brunekreef B, Cesaroni G, Chen J, Concin H, Forastiere F, van Gils CH, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoek G, Hoffmann B, de Hoogh K, Janssen N, Jöckel KH, Jørgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Klompmaker JO, Krog NH, Lang A, Leander K, Liu S, Ljungman PLS, Magnusson PKE, Mehta AJ, Nagel G, Oftedal B, Pershagen G, Peter RS, Peters A, Renzi M, Rizzuto D, Rodopoulou S, Samoli E, Schwarze PE, Sigsgaard T, Simonsen MK, Stafoggia M, Strak M, Vienneau D, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Raaschou-Nielsen O*, Fecht D* (* shared last authorship: Long-term low-level ambient air pollution exposure and risk of lung cancer - A pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts. Environ Int 2021; 146:106249.
Thacher JD, Oudin A, Flanagan E, Mattisson K, Albin M, Roswall N, Pyko A, Aasvang GM, Andersen ZJ, Borgquist S, Brandt J, Broberg K, Cole-Hunter T, Eriksson C, Eneroth K, Gudjonsdottir H, Helte E, Ketzel M, Lanki T, Lim YH, Leander K, Ljungman P, Manjer J, Männistö S, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Pershagen G, Rizzuto D, Sandsveden M, Selander J, Simonsen MK, Stucki L, Spanne M, Stockfelt L, Tjønneland A, Yli-Tuomi T, Tiittanen P, Valencia VH, Ögren M, Åkesson A, Sørensen M: Exposure to long-term source-specific transportation noise and incident breast cancer: A pooled study of eight Nordic cohorts. Environ Int. 2023; 178:108108
Sørensen M, Pershagen G, Thacher JD, Lanki T, Wicki B, Röösli M, Vienneau D, Cantuaria ML, Schmidt JH, Aasvang GM, Al-Kindi S, Osborne MT, Wenzel P, Sastre J, Fleming I, Schulz R, Hahad O, Kuntic M, Zielonka J, Sies H, Grune T, Frenis K, Münzel T, Daiber A: Health position paper and redox perspectives - Disease burden by traffic noise. Redox Biol 2024; 69:102995
Elbaek Pedersen J, Hansen J: Risk of breast cancer in daughters of agricultural workers in Denmark. Environ Res 2024; 240:117374
Hansen J, Pedersen JE: Night shift work and breast cancer risk – 2023 update of epidemiologic evidence. J Natl Cancer Cent 2025; 5:94-103
Group leader: Mette Sørensen
ORCID: 0000-0002-7302-4789
Key funding
Danish Cancer Society
EU Horizon 2020
Nordic Council of Ministers
Danish Working Environment Research Fund
Novo Nordisk Foundation
Independent Research Fund Denmark
Lundbeck Foundation
Velux Foundation
A.P. Møller Foundation