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Børn og alkohol i Danmark 2014

I denne rapport kortlægges 12-14-årige børns erfaringer med alkohol i Danmark anno 2014.

De fleste 12-14-årige har ikke nogen erfaringer med alkohol, men i denne rapport belyses blandt andet, hvor mange, der har prøvet at drikke alkohol og hvilke motiver, de 12-14-årige har for at drikke/ikke at drikke alkohol. Rapporten bygger på besvarelser fra 1.000 børn i alderen 12-14 år.


Børn og alkohol i Danmark 2014 – en kortlægning blandt 12-14-årige

Children and alcohol in Denmark 2014 – a survey of 12-14-year olds

This report summarises the experiences of children aged 12-14 with alcohol in Denmark in 2014. The report is based on data from an online survey of 1,000 children aged between 12 and 14. The survey was carried out by the research agency TNS Gallup A/S and it is nationally representative in terms of gender, age and region (east/west). The report has been created by the Danish Cancer Society and the TrygFonden’s preventative alcohol campaign with the Danish title ’Fuld af liv’.