Danskernes alkoholvaner 2020
I denne rapport kortlægges voksne danskeres alkoholvaner i 2020:
- Alkoholforbrug
- Kendskab og holdninger til aldersgrænser for køb af alkohol
- Holdninger til strukturelle forebyggelsestiltag
- Holdninger til den danske alkoholkultur
- Viden om sammenhængen mellem alkohol og kræft
Alchohol habits among adult Danes 2020
This report shows the drinking habits of adult Danes in 2020. The report is based on data from an internet-based survey among 3.000 Danes between 78-74 years old. The data collection was handled by the market research company Epinion - which used Norstats Online Panel for this purpose - and the data is nationally representative in relation to gender, age, area of residence, and education.
Summary: Alcohol habits among adult Danes 2020