Get a quick overview of the Nordic Cancer Societies’ policy recommendations on preventing childhood overweight and obesity, and how they are perceived by the Nordic populations.
Preventing childhood overweight and obesity
Policy recommendations from the Nordic Cancer Societies.
This policy paper presents five policy recommendations from the Nordic Cancer Societies on preventing childhood overweight and obesity. The recommendations are evidence-based and the Nordic Cancer Societies urge the Nordic governments to implement fiscal policies, marketing policies, labelling policies, school policies and additional policies. The recommendations all support and improve children’s right to healthier lives and less inequality in health.
The policy paper is part of the Nordic Cancer Union’s project: Common Actions for the Prevention of Overweight and Obesity among Children, funded by the Nordic Cancer Union (NCU). The project is a collaboration between the Cancer Societies in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Finland.
Policy paper: Preventing childhood overweight and obesity
Forebyggelse af overvægt og svær overvægt blandt børn: Politiske anbefalinger fra de nordiske kræftforeninger
Dette policypapir præsenterer fem politiske anbefalinger fra de nordiske kræftforeninger til at forebygge overvægt og svær overvægt blandt børn. Anbefalingerne er evidensbaserede, og de nordiske kræftforeninger opfordrer de nordiske regeringer til at implementere finanspolitiske tiltag, markedsføringspolitikker, mærkningspolitikker, skolepolitikker samt yderligere tiltag. Anbefalingerne understøtter og forbedrer børns ret til sundere liv og mindre ulighed i sundhed.
Policypapiret er en del af Nordic Cancer Union’s project: Common Actions for the Prevention of Overweight and Obesity among Children, finansieret af Nordic Cancer Union (NCU). Projektet er et samarbejde mellem kræftforeningerne i Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Island og Finland.
Få et hurtigt overblik over de nordiske kræftforeningers politiske anbefalinger til at forebygge overvægt og svær overvægt blandt børn, og hvordan de opfattes af den nordiske befolkning.
Read more about preventing childhood overweight and obesity
An umbrella review of the evidence on structural prevention policies
The report describes and summarises current evidence of the effects of national and global prevention policies with the aim of contributing to the prevention of childhood overweight and obesity.
Public support for childhood overweight and obesity prevention policies
This report displays 5,008 Nordic citizens' attitudes towards and knowledge about different prevention policies that can help prevent overweight and obesity among children and youth.
The Nordic Cancer Societies’ policy recommendations and public support
Get a quick overview of the Nordic Cancer Societies’ policy recommendations on preventing childhood overweight and obesity, and how they are perceived by the Nordic populations.